Tuesday, April 13

windows 8 is windows 7 build 7700 ?

Windows logoNow the interesting thing in Microsoft is windows 7 build 7700 equals windows 8 ? every one thinks that the final built of windows 7 is windows 8. Because of the final build icons raised the question.

This is the interesting thing on net. Every people search for the final built of windows 7. I think its leaked via torrents.

Here is the icon sets and logon screen of windows 8 ( Windows 7 build 7700 ).

Screen shoots:

Icons Windows 8 Windows 8 ( Windows 7 Build 7700 ) Icons Leaked On Net

Windows 8 Logon Screen

Logon Screen Of Windows 8 Maybe look like it.

1 comment:

Gopi Chand said...

the icons are pretty good.. lets wait for windows 8